Huttopia la Clarée - chalets

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Hautes-Alpes - Val-Des-Près

Located 7km from Briançon and 10km from Italy, between the communes of Montgenèvre, Névache and Briançon in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes. You will love the calm, spacious and natural environment of this campsite, situated on an 8 hectare site on the edge of river Clarée in the hamlet of Rosier. Camp with your own equipment on one of our vast and shady pitches or stay in a fully equipped Wood & Canvas tent, an original accommodation option for living in and alongside nature.

Services & amenities




Address : 8, route des Alberts - Le Rosier
05100 Val-Des-Près
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France

GPS coordinates : Latitude : 44.93923226768
Longitude : 6.68310125396727

See map on Google Maps Website