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The campsite Etxarri is located in the municipality Etxarri Aranatz in the heart of a beautiful oak forest, where you will find some striking examples of the 'Oak of the Country', enormous oak trees, which attract our attention with their quirky and odd shapes. The campsite is located in a zone between Etxarri’s well-defined routes, the road “de los Dólmenes', part of Etxarri Aranatz 'Monte Bajo”, a trail of approximately 5 km long that coincides with the botanical road “Botánica”.
Type of stay : Gezin met tiener(s)
Accommodation : Pitch Ttipi
Period of stay : From 22/07/2024 to 29/07/2024
Type of stay : Gezin met tiener(s)
Accommodation : Pitch Larri
Period of stay : From 11/07/2024 to 13/07/2024
Address :
Paraje Dambolintxulo, s/n
31820 Etxarri-Aranatz
Navarre - Spain
GPS coordinates :
Latitude : 42.9128157314173
Longitude : -2.07909807605743
Currently no availability