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Campsite Njivice is located in a small fishing village Njivice (island of Krk) which prides itself in sand beaches, hidden coves, natural walking trails and loads of fun for all family members.
Type of stay : Altro
Accommodation : Pitch Premium
Period of stay : From 02/06/2022 to 05/06/2022
The establishment
Il luog
Inserire spazi per adulti senza cani e bambini
Accommodation review
Spazio difficile da manovrare con camper per la presenza di alberi nello spazio di manovra. Le possibikita6di fare danni al camper sono notevoli
Detailed review
Address :
Primorska cesta bb
51512 Njivice
Primorje-Gorski Kotar County - Croatia
GPS coordinates :
Latitude : 45.1700399467799
Longitude : 14.5470288481736
Currently no availability